Uncle incest gay sex stories

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And still after all these years he hates me. It is my fault he went on to abuse other kids cos I said nothing.Ĭhristmas ever I went out to have breakfast with my family. He had been raping kids since the 1970's and he got 9 years, out in 4 and a half. My uncle continued to sexually abuse children. Couple of year's later I tried to have a girlfriend, my cousin jumped in and took her away. I was scared and confused because unlike my cousin I was having feelings of being gay. In fact he hated me since then, because I could have backed him up. I was never friends with my cousin after that. I remember sitting there while my family gossiped about it all over my head. They did not believe him and treated him like crap. My cousin had the guts to go to the police. I had started having sexual activity with other men when I was 13 and started doing prostitution when I was 14. My cousin and I were born close together and we had been childhood friends. Some other stuff happened on and off and then when I was coming up to 14 it began to involve my cousin, his own son. He gave me drink laced with alcahol one time. He used to do the bar at my nans New year's eve party's. I don't know when it started but I remember this sexual game where he would touch me. My uncle was a massive raping paedophile.

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So something bad happened towards the end of last year.

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